This unlikely story begins on a sea that was a blue dream, as colorful as blue-silk stockings, and beneath a sky as blue as the irises of children's eyes. From the western half of the sky the sun was shying little golden disks at the sea—if you gazed intently enough you could see them skip from wave tip to wave tip until they joined a broad collar of golden coin that was collecting half a mile out and would eventually be a dazzling sunset. About half-way between the Florida shore and the golden collar a white steam-yacht, very young and graceful, was riding at anchor and under a blue-and-white awning aft a yellow-haired girl reclined in a wicker settee reading The Revolt of the Angels, by Anatole France.
Fitzgerald bueno, bueno..
murakami regulero
toole para aventarlo por la ventana con todo y carro de salchichas
todo por ahora
lili y jai en la puerta, que mala constumbre esa de llegar antes de la hora convenida..
1 comentario:
Le faltó mencionar que iba también en el yate un cocinero mexicano, que más tarde, ella, completamente seducida y enamorada, le regalaría a él un piano de cola negro. él lo pondría en el ventanal de su castillo, de tal forma que al tocar los changuitos casi pudiera verse cayendo por la cañada hacia el mar, y a mitad de su libre caída se preguntara porqué había a su lado un carrito de salchichas
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